Relative Mobile Conversion Rate Dashboard


In a really interesting post The value of speed, written by Lina Hansson, she develops the concept of Relative Mobile Conversion Rate (Rel mCvR).

Since you’re interested in how site speed affects conversions, the mobile site is most relevant—that’s where you’re most likely to see the benefits of speed improvements. Rather than looking at the mobile conversion rate alone, though, you’ll be analyzing the relative mobile conversion rate (Rel mCvr), which is calculated by dividing the mobile conversion rate by the desktop conversion rate. This approach reduces the noise from external factors, which tend to affect both desktop and mobile, and makes it easier to see whether any increases in the mobile site’s effectiveness were actually caused by the speed improvements.

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I’m not going to cover all the posts written by Lina because she does a great job. Her post is a must-read. I’m just going to present my approach for developing her dashboard in Google Data Studio.

Relative Mobile Conversion Rate Data Studio Dashboard

Data Studio Relative Mobile Conversion Rate Dashboard

Below you’ll find a step by step procedure for reproducing Rel mCvr report in Google Data Studio. In order to create this dashboard you need to take into consideration the following steps:

1. Data Source

You should use the blended data of the same data source.

Blended Data Source

The join keys you should select are:

After that you should proceed and select the following metrics:

As you can see, in the image below, you should rename the metrics adding “Mobile” or “Desktop” for differentiation purposes.

Custom metric name

2. Filters

You should apply filters to each data source before you blend them.


You should create two filters, one for mobile and the other for desktop. To perform this task, just include the information from the metric “Device Category” equal to mobile or desktop (example below)

Filter detail

3. Relative Mobile Conversion Rate Formula

The process, for calculating the formula of the Rel mCvR, is that you should create a custom field. The formula is the following:

SUM(NARY_MAX(Mobile Ecommerce Conversion Rate,0))/SUM(NARY_MAX(Desktop Ecommerce Conversion Rate,0))| |

The image below shows you the process for creating a custom calculated field, adding the formula and the define the type as a percent.

Calculated field Relative Mobile Conversion Rate Formula


Relative Mobile Conversion Rate Dashboard Video

Final thoughts

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, Lina’s post is a must-read in order to get a deep understanding of the Relative Mobile Conversion Rate (Rel mCvR).

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any doubts or if you need help.